Registered Contractors Search

The Department of Building and Zoning allows building permit applicants to view contractors who are registered to do work in unincorporated Cook County (per the Cook County Building Code). You can use the following methods to search the current database.

Please Note: The list of contractors provided here is presented for information purposes only pursuant to Cook County Building Code, Section 5.4-3, which requires that contractors, shall, prior to conducting work in unincorporated Cook County, register with the Cook County Building Commissioner. The information is presented solely for the reader's convenience. The list does not constitute an endorsement of these contractors, nor a preference among these contractors and the County makes no representations regarding the accuracy or completeness of this list.

Search by Contractor Speciality
Find a contractor for the scope of work you are looking for. Select the type from the dropdown list.

  Speciality Type:    

Search by Contractor's Name
Enter the contractor's name to find information. Select the Match type for better results.

  Contractor's Name: Match Type:    

If you have any questions, please contact the department at 312-603-0500